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Chia sẻ Theme Flatsome 3.19.8 - Mới nhất, cập nhật liên tục - Theme bán hàng số 1 trên Wordpress


Rìu Chiến

Amazing Theme with perfect User Experience​

Flatsome is the perfect theme for your shop or company website, or for all your client websites if you are an agency or freelancer. It got all the tools needs to create super fast responsive websites with amazing user experience. It got unlimited options and a revolutionary responsive page builder, so you can create anything without coding.
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Update Theme Flatsome 3.16.8 - 02/04/2023

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Change log:
--- 3.16.8 (30.03.23) ---
NEW: Support for Instagram access tokens (Instagram Basic Display).
NEW: Select connected Instagram account from select list in UX Builder.

CHANGED: Remove old Instagram scrape method.


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Update Theme Flatsome 3.17 - 25/04/2023

Link download

Change log:


Rìu Chiến
Update Theme Flatsome 3.17.1 - 01/06/2023

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Change log: