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Thảo luận Tổng hợp key Windows và Office


Nhận không thì cũng cho không.
After the script is applied by the programs "Microsoft Activation Scripts 1.4" or "Windows 10 Digital Activation Program 1.3.9" for Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC, only one key is suitable 43TBQ -...- P39PB.
No other activation keys will work.
But this key is also generated from Microsoft, and the license is accepted by the microsoft server.

Phi Long Phong Van

Vạn Lý Truy Phong Vạn Lý Sầu...! Xin Vĩnh Biệt Anh
Thành viên BQT
After the script is applied by the programs "Microsoft Activation Scripts 1.4" or "Windows 10 Digital Activation Program 1.3.9" for Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC, only one key is suitable 43TBQ -...- P39PB.
No other activation keys will work.
I don't use the Microsoft Activation Scripts 1.4 tool, I used the command to manually load the sku and Gatherosstatemodified to get digital for Enterprise LTSC 2019.
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Rìu Chiến Chấm
Tài khoản bị khóa
I don't use the Microsoft Activation Scripts 1.4 tool, I used the command to manually load the sku and Gatherosstatemodified to get digital for Enterprise LTSC 2019.
Dear colleague, there is no difference in using the script to activate LTSC. Either you use the script through the command line, or the program does the same in automatic mode. As a result, you will still use the default universal key for activation during a clean reinstallation of the system.

Phi Long Phong Van

Vạn Lý Truy Phong Vạn Lý Sầu...! Xin Vĩnh Biệt Anh
Thành viên BQT
Yes, but using the tool to activate is very fast and simple. This key is also released by microsoft and recognized by microsoft as a valid key to get digital for LTSC


Lạt Ma
No friend! Digital license for LTSC is True, was accepted by MS Store.
In one machine, HWID for LTSC is the same as all editions of Windows 10 too.

you can see hwid :



Rìu Chiến Chấm
Tài khoản bị khóa
Yes, but using the tool to activate is very fast and simple. This key is also released by microsoft and recognized by microsoft as a valid key to get digital for LTSC
43TBQ -...- P39PB is a generic generic default key.
This key is registered in the distribution kit before activation.
Win 10 LTSC system does not have Digital License activation capability. No existing EnterpriseS: Volume: MAK, OEM_DM, and OEM_NONSLP keys can activate the system using the digital license method.
Activating a digital license using a script is fictitious and has nothing to do with real digital license activation as it is implemented in other versions of Windows 10


Rìu Chiến Chấm
Tài khoản bị khóa
No friend! Digital license for LTSC is True, was accepted by MS Store.
In one machine, HWID for LTSC is the same as all editions of Windows 10 too.
you can see hwid :
The authors of the script found a "hole" in the LTSC system and implemented the ability to activate a digital license. You portray this as really the accepted position of Microsoft. I assure you this is not a valid way


Lạt Ma
The authors of the script found a "hole" in the LTSC system and implemented the ability to activate a digital license. You portray this as really the accepted position of Microsoft. I assure you this is not a valid way
1. LTSC digital start from here (vnz).
2. you dont need to use script to get digltal for ltsc, you can directly upgrade from LTSB to get digital ltsc.


Rìu Sắt
1. LTSC digital start from here (vnz).
2. you dont need to use script to get digltal for ltsc, you can directly upgrade from LTSB to get digital ltsc.
What a concentrated conclusion. To whom it might concern, those activate methods were tested by many experienced users and it's safe for activation
To @fxsantu: I got your point. The script's author found a hole in the MS activate system and make it legal somehow.
In fact, I tried to activate my LTSC Windows with that script. After that, I formated my partition and made a clean install LTSC Windows. It re-activated again when my PC connected to the Internet. I have thought everything's OK and do no more digging until I read your opinion.
Are there any clues that I have a misunderstanding and does it safely for activation in your personal view?
Thanks in advance.


Chỉ cần nhấn like khi muốn cảm ơn!
Thành viên BQT
Đều là người Việt mà, tiếng mẹ đẻ cho gọn nào.


Rìu Sắt
Đều là người Việt mà, tiếng mẹ đẻ cho gọn nào.
Trời, làm em copy paste google dịch gần chết.
Đang nghĩ vốn đã dốt tiếng tây, chỉ có tiếng u thì không biết trao đổi như này, có rơi nhịp nào không.
Được thì bác @fxsantu nói tiếng Việt cho em dễ học với ạ


Chỉ cần nhấn like khi muốn cảm ơn!
Thành viên BQT
Không bạn FS thì người nước ngùa, còn bạn đang trích dẫn bài viết là người việt 101% đó.


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