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Thảo luận Windows 10 EnterpriseS, G (Non-Official) Project

nho nguoi

Rìu Chiến Chấm
nó có sẵn ở file ISO chứ đâu mở file iso bằng 7z
mở thư muc sources mở tiếp $OEM$ đến khi thấy thư muc SETUP thì thôi
rồi chạy Microsoft.SecHealthUI.appx chạy xong là oke


Rìu Vàng Đôi
Can you be more specific, which version did you update to that caused the error?
I tested it with IoTEnterpriseS builds
25398.1 and 22000.1 for now.
I suspect it will affect 22621.1 as well.

but I'm not sure which one is the cause yet.
because my computer is also having issues with the western digital hard drive randomly restarting itself.

I have damaged 3 hard drives during this case.
all are western digital brand