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Thảo luận Tổng hợp key Windows và Office


Quyền Trượng Hồng Ngọc
Win 10 RTM Professional Retail Online(Phone)!

Win 8.1 RTM Professional Retail Online(Phone)!

Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry Retail Online(Phone)!

Win 10 RTM Education Retail Online(Phone)!

Office19_RTM19_VisioPro2019R_Retail Online!

Office19_RTM19_ProjectPro2019R_Retail Online!
Sửa lần cuối:


Rìu Chiến Chấm
Tài khoản bị khóa
how can I activate windows 10 enterprise Ltsc evaluation 2019 by a key permanently
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC Evaluation is not activated in any way.
Install the full original version of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC and then activate with the key


Lạt Ma
add non-evaluation sku ltsc

There is no key for the evaluation version
You're wrong 100% ! :D



Rìu Chiến Chấm
Tài khoản bị khóa
You're wrong 100% ! :D
Win 10 RTM EnterpriseSEval (LTSC 2019) Retail:TB:Eval (Key Default)
Win 10 RTM EnterpriseSNEval (LTSC 2019) Retail:TB:Eval (Key Default)

Meo Map

Rìu Vàng Đôi
I install the full version of
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
can you help me in activation plz

key: 6GDNB-7QH3D-46C7M-6HT8W-82R42
id: 650662338054927251555814503230038448500180838073008259149441363

This is not the right place, but once you wanted your CID....
Here it is:
..... lol, no CID returns.
You need to use another key for your OS.

This is the place for shared keys, if you want further help, please have a look at
They will help you for free via Teamviewer.

I suggest searching for LTSC keys in this thread, there should be some CID of whose can be got.

You, however, can use this Microsoft Activation Script to get digital license for your LTSC. It's safe and you also do it manually without running the script
Sửa lần cuối:


Búa Gỗ
Mình vừa cài Windows 8 Build 9200 ( không phải windows 8.1 nha ) thì k biết key loại Windows này có không mọi người, nếu có cho mình cảm ơn
