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Chia sẻ Studio 3T for MongoDB + Trial reset (Duy nhất tại VN-Zoom) - Kết nối và quản lý cơ sở dữ liệu MongoDB!

Hamano Kaito


What's new in Studio 3T for MongoDB 2021.8.0​

October 13, 2021
  • New: Table View - Added support for custom, persistent column orders in table views.
  • New: IntelliShell - Added support for retryable writes on the IntelliShell (--retryWrites).
  • New: General - Renamed Studio 3T Core to Basic and Enterprise to Ultimate to better reflect what's included in each edition.
  • Improved: Setting a font in the General tab of Preferences now updates the font of windows that have already been opened.
  • Improved: Migration from SQL - Allow strings (LONGTEXT or VARCHAR) to be converted into a valid ObjectId.
  • Improved: Exports - When exporting to CSV or SQL, manually entered fields are now preserved when a query is altered.
  • Improved: Exports - (Linux only) Better handling of export errors when two exports are run concurrently.
  • Improved: Exports - Export to JSON displays more information for composite sources.
  • Improved: Exports - JSON Export "other options" now displayed as radio buttons.
  • Improved: Collection Tab - Table view column sorting now correctly sorts columns that are within an array.
  • Improved: Collection Tab - Better handling of cancelled "Next page" requests.
  • Fixed: General - Fixed issues with a high CPU usage on macOS in Dark Mode.
  • Fixed: General - Toolbar item's hover-on labels now appear for all icons in the global toolbar.
  • Fixed: Migration from SQL - Handling of unresolved units with custom SQL queries now generates appropriate error messages.
  • Fixed: Migration from SQL - Warning about free trial limit of 1000 documents now appears when needed.
  • Fixed: Exports - Export to Mongodump folder now defaults to target destination folder.
  • Fixed: Exports - Fixed situations where the "Add Custom Field" button would be disabled.
  • Fixed: Exports - File-based exports now change target file-names if the source is changed.
  • Fixed: Collection Tab - Brought back type icons for null values in Tables and Trees.
  • Fixed: Connection Manager - Robo 3T connection passwords are now correctly imported.
  • Fixed: Current Operations - Fixed Kill Operation not working with MongoDB 4.0 mongos servers.
  • Fixed: IntelliShell - "Auto-completion enabled" indicator now reflects state correctly.
  • Fixed: Query Code - Code for Node.js now correctly forms regular expressions.
  • Fixed: Roles Tab - The "Add New Privilege" dialog's collections option is always populated.
  • Fixed: GridFS Tab - Tab data is now correctly restored when Session Restore is enabled.
  • Fixed: Data Masking - Various stability and usability issues have been resolved.


Gà con
Same effect, without malware

Create reset_studio3t_trial.bat file, open it with notepad++,
Copy/paste this code in the file:
@echo off ECHO Reset the use date of Studio 3T... FOR /f "tokens=1,2,* " %%i IN ('reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\3t\mongochef\enterprise" ^| find /V "installation" ^| find /V "HKEY"') DO ECHO yes | reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\3t\mongochef\enterprise" /v %%i /t REG_SZ /d "" ECHO reset is complete, press any key to exit... pause>nul
Save the file.
Double click on it to reset trial registry key.
Start Studio3T.
Sửa lần cuối:

Hamano Kaito


What's new in Studio 3T for MongoDB 2021.8.1​

October 20, 2021
  • Fixed: Table View - Fixed crashes that could occur when simply running queries or paging through results.
  • Fixed: Migration from SQL - Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to edit the dataset properties of an array mapping.


Gà con
Same effect, without malware

Create reset_studio3t_trial.bat file, open it with notepad++,
Copy/paste this code in the file:
@echo off ECHO Reset the use date of Studio 3T... FOR /f "tokens=1,2,* " %%i IN ('reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\3t\mongochef\enterprise" ^| find /V "installation" ^| find /V "HKEY"') DO ECHO yes | reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\3t\mongochef\enterprise" /v %%i /t REG_SZ /d "" ECHO reset is complete, press any key to exit... pause>nul
Save the file.
Double click on it to reset trial registry key.
Start Studio3T.
Not working with newer versions


† God bless Country Music & Country Gospel Music ♫
Thành viên BQT
Can someone share the latest Cr@ck?

Just download in #1 thread.

Hamano Kaito


What's new in Studio 3T for MongoDB 2022.1.1​

January 27, 2022
  • Fixed: Visual Query Builder - Fixed projections not being correctly restored with Session Restore.
  • Fixed: Index Tab - Fixed an issue where the "Validate JSON" button was missing on the "Partial Index Options" tab.

New in Studio 3T for MongoDB 2021.10.1 (December 14, 2021)​

  • Fixed: Connection Tree - Resolved an issue that could cause Studio 3T to crash when refreshing the connection tree.

New in Studio 3T for MongoDB 2021.10.0 (December 9, 2021)​

  • New: Value Search - Search multiple collections for a specific field value.
  • New: Task Scheduler - Introduced a new task scheduler that allows for more powerful schedules.
  • New: Import Data Masking - Integrated data masking with imports, to direcly obscure, shuffle or exclude any imported fields.
  • New: IntelliShell - Experimental support for the new Mongo Shell executable "mongosh".
  • New: Database Copy - Copy entire databases and multiple databases and paste them into other servers.
  • Improved: IntelliShell - Updated JavaScript parser to support a wider range of syntax features.
  • Improved: Connection Tree - Improved connection tree performance when handling thousands of databases or collections.
  • Improved: Connection Tree - The search functionality of the connection tree now supports case-sensitive matches.
  • Improved: Collection Tab - "Add/Edit Document" now allows to continue editing a document after the MongoDB server rejected it.
  • Improved: Visual Query Builder - Greatly improved the handling of arrays and fields inside arrays when building queries visually.
  • Improved: GridFS Tab - Improved messaging when a GridFS collection would contain illegal metadata entries.
  • Fixed: General - Fixed an issue where window sizes and positions were not saved when Session Restore was off.
  • Fixed: General - Fixed an issue where users would not be prompted to save their unsaved changes when exiting the application.
  • Fixed: General - Fixed a crash that could occur when closing one of the notifications shown below the application's toolbar.
  • Fixed: IntelliShell - Fixed restoring IntelliShell tabs that were switched to using a horizontal split of editor and result view.
  • Fixed: Aggregation Editor - Fixed an issue where certain aggregation scripts could not be loaded from a file or the clipboard.
  • Fixed: Result Views - Fixed an issue where "Step Into Cell" would behave incorrectly when document ids are not unique.
  • Fixed: Index Tab - Fixed an issue where the option "storageEngine" wasn't preserved when updating an index definition.
  • Fixed: Result Views - Fixed an issue that did not show embedded fields next to their parent column with a custom column order in place.
  • Fixed: Exports - Fixed possible error when using Incremental Execution with existing export configurations.

New in Studio 3T for MongoDB 2021.9.0 (November 10, 2021)​

  • New: Aggregation Editor - Added support for aggregation index hints under the "Options" tab.
  • New: MongoDB 5.0 - Now bundling version 100.5 of mongodump and mongorestore with Studio 3T installations.
  • New: SQL Tab - Added a toolbar option that allows turning off automatic completion proposals when writing SQL queries.
  • New: Collection Tab - Automatically open the Visual Query Builder when a user starts dragging a field from the result view.
  • Improved: Table View - Improved the performance of all table views in Dark Mode.
  • Improved: Collection Tab - Collection queries restored with Session Restore will no longer be run automatically.
  • Improved: Collection Tab - Extended the quick syntax feature to support more data types, like strings, numbers and many more.
  • Improved: Migration to SQL - Added support for changing the source collection of existing units in a Migration to SQL task.
  • Improved: IntelliShell - Added a new toolbar and context menu action to clear the contents of the "Raw Shell Output" tab.
  • Improved: IntelliShell - The "Restart Mongo Shell" link is now a standard toolbar item for better discoverability.
  • Improved: Operations Tab - Improved the user interface of the Operations view to better reflect the status of any shown tasks.
  • Improved: Connection Tree - Studio 3T will now show all accessible collections, even if the "listCollections" privilege is missing.
  • Improved: Aggregation Editor - The aggregation editor will now be more flexible when parsing queries from the clipboard or a file.
  • Fixed: Auto Updater - (Windows only) Fixed issues with downloaded updates not installing before the application is closed manually.
  • Fixed: Exports - Fixed crashes that could occur when trying to export collections that have a name ending with a period.
  • Fixed: Exports - Fixed crashes that could occur when trying to change the target file or folder of an export to the clipboard.
  • Fixed: Visual Query Builder - Fixed cursor position in text input fields being reset when they lose and regain their focus.
  • Fixed: IntelliShell - Fixed the IntelliShell failing to start on databases with special characters in their name.
  • Fixed: Data Masking - Fixed an issue that could occur when masking documents that are missing one of the fields that are to be masked.

Hamano Kaito


What's new in Studio 3T for MongoDB 2022.2.0​

February 24, 2022
  • New Full native support on macOS for Apple Silicon systems with a new installer available on our download page.
  • New Collection Tab - Added support for additional options on find queries, like setting "Allow disk use" or a collation.
  • Improved General - Upgraded to the latest MongoDB Java driver of version 4.4.1, which supports MongoDB 5.2.
  • Improved Aggregation Editor - Added stage operator "$setWindowFields", which was introduced with MongoDB 5.0.
  • Improved Exports - Exports to another collection now export to a new collection in the same database by default.
  • Improved Connection Tree - The connection tree will now automatically refresh after a database has been copied and pasted.
  • Improved General - File choosers now behave consistently across platforms, remembering the path to the last folder opened.
  • Improved SQL Imports - Reporting on SQL Imports is now more readable in the Operations Pane.
  • Improved General - Typing performance in editors with code-folding support has been improved in cases of complex documents.
  • Improved Migration to SQL - Enhanced table management when dropping tables during a migration.
  • Improved IntelliShell Improvements to Windows Dark mode handling in autocompletion popups.
  • Fixed Server Status Charts - Fixed an issue that prevented Studio 3T from closing correctly on Ubuntu.
  • Fixed Connection Tree - Users and Roles no longer duplicate themselves when the tree is refreshed.
  • Fixed Aggregation Editor - Fixed a crash which could occur when an invalid query was entered and formatted in the stage editor.
  • Fixed JSON View - Selecting documents for Edit, Copy or Remove now selects the correct documents when using code folding.
  • Fixed Data Compare & Sync - Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting "Show Documents" in the Compare/Sync "Multiple Matches" tab.
  • Fixed Stored Functions - Fixed a crash which could occur when saving a stored function.
  • Fixed IntelliShell - When the selected mongo shell is not executable, an improved error message is now displayed.
  • Fixed Value Search - JSON view modes now behave correctly when using "Open in Collection".

Hamano Kaito


What's new in Studio 3T for MongoDB 2022.3.0​

March 28, 2022
  • New: Studio 3T Free - A new, fully free edition of Studio 3T that includes all essential features.
  • Fixed: Index Tab - Fixed an issue where fields would be removed from the overview when editing the index JSON.
  • Fixed: Intellishell - A race condition with shell startup and the user typing into the shell's editor has been resolved.
