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Thiết kế & Đồ họa Howler 2019 (get key 7 ngày) - Ứng dụng vẽ tranh cho các họa sĩ


Rìu Chiến Vàng Chấm
Công cụ vẽ tranh cho họa sĩ

Create cinematic visual FX in a familiar painting natural media painting environment with breakthrough breakthrough real-time howling performance
Howler is a comprehensive, paint-first environment. First and foremost a natural media painter, everything is here, from realistic oils and watercolor, to naturally simulated bristle brushes, and, of course, full digitizing tablet support. Howler is also an animation and video painting program!

Terms and Conditions
  • This is a 1-computer lifetime license, for noncommercial use
  • No free updates; if you update the giveaway, it may become unregistered
  • No free tech support
  • You must download the installer before this offer has ended
  • May not be resold
Technical Details
  • Developed by Daniel Ritchie
  • Version is v2019 LITE Build 41
  • Download size is 63.2 MB
  • Supports Windows 7, 8/8.1, and 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
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