Fix an issue with your browser
If you’re seeing this page, you may have been redirected here because your browser isn't compatible with the current Google Ads interface.
This article gives you a list of the supported browsers and explains how you can get set up with the ones you want.
Google Ads generally supports the current and prior major releases of the browsers in the list below. Make sure to download the latest version of your browser for the best experience with Google Ads. You might also see this alert message within your account: "The new Google Ads experience is not supported for your current browser."
For desktop computers, we support the following:
Note: If you have a supported browser installed, but Google Ads still won't appear, you may also need to update your browser preferences to allow cookies and JavaScript.
For Android and iOS devices, we recommend you use the Google Ads mobil
If you’re seeing this page, you may have been redirected here because your browser isn't compatible with the current Google Ads interface. This article gives you a list of the supported bro
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As with most error messages, ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED lets you know that something has gone wrong, without being kind enough to tell you why it’s happened.