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Thảo luận Share Key Windows - Office (Everyone) ~By~LDSSK~

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Hope you let me give my humble view
In the search method share the keys in the forum
I was still when I wanted to share a key
Search first through Cyril in full
The second time I search by the first five letters
The third time I search for the last five letters
On the fourth time I search for the first and last five letters
In every way, I see a different result
Force me to enter the company and press liked to check the key
You notice with me the amount of time and effort wasted in vain to check the key
For a member trying to present even a few to the members of this great forum
On the one hand
On the other hand, after all this effort and wasted time, another member publishes the key
A few seconds difference, I say seconds, no need
It has happened to me personally more than once, and other members have measured it
Put a simple explanation of the search process to confirm what I was suffering
As he said about two months ago, new laws were enacted
By placing the first and last five letters of each key
On the one hand, this is the correct and useful solution that I have seen through my experience of research methods
On the other hand, any member who does not put the first and last five letters delete his participation because he did not abide by the rules
I apologize for prolonging my presentation and strive hard to put forward the wrong thing
The truth is, I am sure that the forum administration has its knowledge of this
Rather, I tried to work hard and humans did not reach the sky
thanks for everybody

Another thing, I hope your patience
Some members apply for keys to activate a product
Another thank you member for helping him with a key that he did not make an effort by participating in the forum
Apple took from the participation of another member made an effort in the search to participate in the forum
Why not help by sharing the main member who made the key point
For example
The one who offered help and the person requesting help to the basic participation (here) did not attribute the key to himself
This is considered a reservation of the rights of members of the forum

If you go away with your thoughts, then this is from God
And mistakes, this is my diligence
I repeat my thanks to everyone
He apologized for the prolongation
That is all we do. I will always hear from everyone. And always like that.
The pictures speak for themselves
There is no point in talking about what is happening here

Xem phần đính kèm 10125

Xem phần đính kèm 10126
Don't worry. All of that will be solved today. Thank you.
Sửa lần cuối:
Key này có lẽ vẫn còn dùng được, bạn tranh thủ lên nhé.
No quote
mình làm không kịp bị hết lượt rồi bạn ơi.


Rìu Chiến Vàng Chấm
mình dùng trang
của thread này
được rồi nha các bạn,
cảm ơn các bạn nhiều.


Thành viên BQT
Cập nhật nội quy ngày 21/03/2020 về việc Nội quy về chia sẻ các loại key:
- Vấn đề về thời gian:
+ Một key chỉ được xuất hiện một lần duy nhất. Khi muốn gửi key cho thành viên mà key đã được đăng trước đó thì phải gửi link dẫn đến key đó, không được đăng key đưa cho thành viên. Áp dụng cho các loại key đăng sau ngày 22/03/2020.
+ Đồng thời, đóng 1 topic chia sẻ key - cụ thể là topic của Quang Đạt vô thời hạn.
Updated rules 21/03/2020 for Law of the shared key:
For time:
+ A key can only appear once. If you want to provide any key for member, it has appeared before, you must to provide the link for the member. Apply for any key from the date: 22/03/2020.
+ I'm going to close the topic of member Quang Đạt.
Mọi người có thể tham gia Share key tại topic này:
Tổng hợp key Windows và Office
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