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Chia sẻ MZ-Tools v8.0 Full (Duy nhất tại VN-Zoom) - Công cụ quản lý và chia sẻ các đoạn code dành cho lập trình viên


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Hóng bản mới

MZ-Tools released (July 3, 2023)
  • Enhanced [#18085] (VS 2022): Added support for Visual Studio on ARM64 architecture.
  • Enhanced [#18144] (VB/VBA): Added new "Project Item Designer Root Component Name" predefined variable ($P[PROJECT_ITEM_DESIGNER_ROOT_COMPONENT_NAME]).
  • Fixed [#18094] (All): The splitter distance of the Code Library was not preserved between sessions despite the setting being persisted. This bug was introduced in build
  • Fixed [#18087] (VB/VBA): Microsoft VBScript automation causes "runtime error: Object required" because AddIn.Object is null. This bug was introduced in build
  • Fixed [#18137] (VB/VBA): Closing the IDE could cause System.ObjectDisposedException: "Cannot access a disposed object" (this issue was not completely fixed in build
  • Fixed [#18079] (All): The Enter key of the Find Text dialog triggered the search instead of confirming input of Asian characters.
  • Fixed [Internal] (All): The width of the columns of the list of 'when conditions' was not adjusted automatically to content when adding new conditions.

MZ-Tools released (May 10, 2023)
  • Fixed [#18080, #18077, #18076, #18083, #18084, #18086] (All): Selecting a result of changed code caused "System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.". This bug was introduced in build
  • Fixed [#18082] (VS 2010/2012/2013): Showing toolwindows in VS 2010/2012/2013 caused "System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MZTools.Adapters.Internal.ToolWindowControl'". This bug was introduced in build


Búa Gỗ
Hóng thuốc cho bản mới MZ-Tools released! Mong bác sớm có thuốc, hiện ko có bản cũ để cài, huhu!


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Anh em ai có file cài đặt ver chia sẻ với mình với cảm ơn anh em nhiều 😘