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#Qatar #Explore #Explore_Follow #Explore_Explore #Saudi_Kuwait_UAE_Qatar_Oman_Bahrain_ #Iraq -

#قطر #اكسبلور #اكسبلور_فولو #اكسبلور_explore #السعودية_الكويت_الامارات_قطر_عمان_البحرين_ #العراق - YouTube

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A group of people squatted for 28 days and finally photographed the "auspicious bird", which is known as the "fairy in the forest and the bird of paradise". It is said to bring good luck and good luck. If you don't know whether it is true or not, let's give it a try #人与 NATUREharmony# Kiwi - YouTube

一群人蹲守28天終於拍到了“吉祥鳥”,被稱為“林中仙子、天堂鳥”據說可以帶來吉祥、好運,不知道真假那就來試試吧#人與自然和諧共處 #奇異鳥 - YouTube

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Zach Terry, a student at Boise State University in the United States, delivered a speech at the graduation ceremony, encouraging graduates to face life positively and that you can always choose the better side.

美国博伊西州立大学学生扎克·泰里在毕业典礼发表演讲,鼓励毕业生们积极面对生活,你永远可以选择更好的一面。 - YouTube