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† God bless Country Music & Country Gospel Music ♫
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Tắt antivirus cài vào máy thôi bạn!


Búa Gỗ
Khi patch bạn trỏ đường dẫn để patch nó hoạt động được. Chứ nhấn xong ko trỏ bỏ qua là ko patch được gì đâu
Tình hình là cho KIS tin tưởng rồi chạy mà vẫn không được các bác ạ. Cr@ck ko hiệu quả hay sao ấy các bác ơi. Nó nhận thông tin của patch mà ko Cr@ck được T__T.

Hamano Kaito


Để khi nào rãnh mình sẽ check lại bạn
@nguoikhach | Mình đã test xong rồi bạn down fix bên dưới xài thử xem sao
Sửa lần cuối:

Hamano Kaito

What's new in J. River Media Center 26.0.107
September 5, 2020
  • Fixed: Image lookup from Google (for artist images, etc.) was not working.
  • Fixed: Zooming in on an image thumbnail will scroll so the selected item is shown (previously it could scroll to a different spot).

New in J. River Media Center 26.0.106 (August 11, 2020)
  • Fixed: Modern Cards (Dark) frames fixed (thanks Marko).
  • Fixed: You can no longer keyboard navigate or double click to select the Add Library tree item.
New in J. River Media Center 26.0.103 (August 1, 2020)
  • Changed: When loading dates from an APE file, if no "Date" field is found, the "Year" field will be read (which could contain a full date).
  • Fixed: FLAC streams would not all play.
  • Fixed: EPUB books without sidecars would not import.
  • Fixed: Possible crashes when using list controls.
  • Fixed: The image file field did not support the smartlist modes properly.
  • Changed: Removed AZ Lyrics from lookup.
  • Changed: Only 10 files at a time are allowed for lyrics lookup.
  • Fixed: ATSC Closed Captioning did not work since build 85.

New in J. River Media Center 26.0.101 (July 21, 2020)
  • Changed: Marked SSA/ASS subtitles as not movable by madVR in ROHQ.
  • Changed: The tooltip for the enviro expression function was not correct.
  • Fixed: The example for the RatingStars10 function incorrectly had brackets.
  • Fixed: When exporting all playlists, cancelling on the format dialog would just pick the M3U format.
  • Fixed: Media Center would crash when trying to remove a non-existing column from sorting in file views.
  • Fixed: Setting television channel logos was not working.
New in J. River Media Center 26.0.100 (July 21, 2020)
  • Changed: Clean up of some code from build 99.
New in J. River Media Center 26.0.99 (July 21, 2020)
  • Fixed: "mov" video files would get imported as mp4, instead of properly remaining mov.
  • Fixed: The second parameter of the IsDigit expression function would not be used.
  • Changed: The "Add to Playing Now" toolbar button just adds instead of adds and plays.
  • Changed: Updated Modern Cards Dark standard view skin (thanks marko).
  • Fixed: Using the Range() expression with a negative count could result in an infinite loop.
  • Fixed: The NoArticles expression function had a bad example.
  • Changed: The StackCount(...) expression returns one greater.
  • Changed: Audio Analysis no longer puts a leading zero in front of the Waveform data items.


Búa Gỗ
Tài khoản bị khóa
bản 2.7 26 hình như không Cr@ck đc nữa thì phải chạy toàn khởi động lại
Tui thấy soft này bán mắc tiền mà còn thua VLC free, vì ko coi được phim HDR, trên máy tính tui đã test, mở phim HDR bằng JRiver thì ko lên màu được, màu cứ tái tái nhợt nhạt, mở bằng VLC thì màu lên rực rỡ.