Mèn ơi! Die rồi. Nhanh thật!
Your Microsoft Product has exceeded the set number of activations. No additional activations can be provided on this product key. Customers with volume license agreements should notify their IT Administrator or IT Professional about this error message.
Mèn ơi! Die rồi. Nhanh thật!
Your Microsoft Product has exceeded the set number of activations. No additional activations can be provided on this product key. Customers with volume license agreements should notify their IT Administrator or IT Professional about this error message.
Mèn ơi! Die rồi. Nhanh thật!
Your Microsoft Product has exceeded the set number of activations. No additional activations can be provided on this product key. Customers with volume license agreements should notify their IT Administrator or IT Professional about this error message.
Nó là phiên bản tiếp theo thay cho Windows 10 EnterpriseS 2016. Khác ở chỗ nó không có nhiều bản cập nhật như các version khác, dùng nhẹ hơn, đỡ phải update thường xuyên!