Không phải là không tải được mà Youtube đang thử nghiệm trên một số user khả năng phát quảng cáo trực tiếp vào stream luôn. Files gốc video chia làm nhiều trunk stream, và bị chèn thêm một số trunk cho quảng cáo.
Do một số plugin chặn quảng cáo thực hiện việc tải luồng stream liên tục thành 1 video gần như hoàn chỉnh để bỏ qua cảo quáng.
Việc này khiến việc tải video về liên tục theo trunk tuần tự bị phá vỡ, nên dev idm đang kiếm cách khắc phục.
Tôi vừa thử tải bình thường. Ko thấy lỗi này, thử restore setting trình duyệt thử xemSẵn tiện có bạn nào biết cách chỉnh chỉ bắt link bằng IDM duy nhất ko, chưa biết sao cứ mỗi lần mình dùng edge tải link gì đó, thì nó vừa hiện bảng tải của IDM và cả của edge luôn, phiền phức ghê, chỉ bị trên edge thôi
Sau 1 hồi mò mẫm thì tôi phát hiện google nó chặn tải file theo tài khoản, bác nào muốn tải video cứ thoát tài khoản hoặc chọn chế độ ẩn danh, dán link vào tải bình thườngChắc tuỳ máy hay video, chứ dùng build nào cũng không tải được
xin link Active resest trialĐã từng xử lý lỗi này cách đâu 1 tuần. Đầu tiên gỡ hết IDM ra khỏi máy, xóa module IDM trên trình duyệt. Active resest trial bản IDM cái này có trên github chia sẽ file Active. Cập nhật lại IDM bản mới nhất. Nếu xài chrome thì copy và backup lại profile, cập nhật chrome. Xóa profile cũ chrome tạo thêm profile mới trên chrome . IDM ắt tự bắt link youtube
xin link Active resest trial
hi..pass mở file nén là gì bạn?Mã:
ở vnzoom mà không nói pass thì pass là vn-zoom hoặc vn-zhi..pass mở file nén là gì bạn?
Save mã trên với tên bất kỳ và đuôi là .cmd rồi chạy với quyền admin
Bash:@set iasver=1.2 @setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion @echo off ::============================================================================ :: :: IDM Activation Script (IAS) :: :: Homepages: domaincuaban :: :: Email: email :: ::============================================================================ :: To activate, run the script with "/act" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line set _activate=0 :: To Freeze the 30 days trial period, run the script with "/frz" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line set _freeze=0 :: To reset the activation and trial, run the script with "/res" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line set _reset=0 :: If value is changed in above lines or parameter is used then script will run in unattended mode ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Set Path variable, it helps if it is misconfigured in the system set "PATH=%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\" if exist "%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\reg.exe" ( set "PATH=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\wbem;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%PATH%" ) :: Re-launch the script with x64 process if it was initiated by x86 process on x64 bit Windows :: or with ARM64 process if it was initiated by x86/ARM32 process on ARM64 Windows set "_cmdf=%~f0" for %%# in (%*) do ( if /i "%%#"=="r1" set r1=1 if /i "%%#"=="r2" set r2=1 ) if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined r1 ( setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r1" exit /b ) :: Re-launch the script with ARM32 process if it was initiated by x64 process on ARM64 Windows if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined r2 ( setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r2" exit /b ) ::======================================================================================================================================== set "blank=" set "mas=ht%blank%tps%blank%://" :: Check if Null service is working, it's important for the batch script sc query Null | find /i "RUNNING" if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( echo: echo Null service is not running, script may crash... echo: echo: echo: echo: ping -n 10 ) cls :: Check LF line ending pushd "%~dp0" >nul findstr /v "$" "%~nx0" && ( echo: echo Error: Script either has LF line ending issue or an empty line at the end of the script is missing. echo: ping -n 6 >nul popd exit /b ) popd ::======================================================================================================================================== cls color 07 title IDM Activation Script %iasver% set _args= set _elev= set _unattended=0 set _args=%* if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=% if defined _args ( for %%A in (%_args%) do ( if /i "%%A"=="-el" set _elev=1 if /i "%%A"=="/res" set _reset=1 if /i "%%A"=="/frz" set _freeze=1 if /i "%%A"=="/act" set _activate=1 ) ) for %%A in (%_activate% %_freeze% %_reset%) do (if "%%A"=="1" set _unattended=1) ::======================================================================================================================================== set "nul1=1>nul" set "nul2=2>nul" set "nul6=2^>nul" set "nul=>nul 2>&1" set psc=powershell.exe set winbuild=1 for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G set _NCS=1 if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0 if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0) if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a" set "Red="41;97m"" set "Gray="100;97m"" set "Green="42;97m"" set "Blue="44;97m"" set "_White="40;37m"" set "_Green="40;92m"" set "_Yellow="40;93m"" ) else ( set "Red="Red" "white"" set "Gray="Darkgray" "white"" set "Green="DarkGreen" "white"" set "Blue="Blue" "white"" set "_White="Black" "Gray"" set "_Green="Black" "Green"" set "_Yellow="Black" "Yellow"" ) set "nceline=echo: &echo ==== ERROR ==== &echo:" set "eline=echo: &call :_color %Red% "==== ERROR ====" &echo:" set "line=___________________________________________________________________________________________________" set "_buf={$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=34;$B.Height=300;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}" ::======================================================================================================================================== if %winbuild% LSS 7600 ( %nceline% echo Unsupported OS version Detected [%winbuild%]. echo Project is supported only for Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 and their Server equivalent. goto done2 ) for %%# in (powershell.exe) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" ( %nceline% echo Unable to find powershell.exe in the system. goto done2 ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Fix for the special characters limitation in path name set "_work=%~dp0" if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%" set "_batf=%~f0" set "_batp=%_batf:'=''%" set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args% set _PSarg=%_PSarg:'=''% set "_appdata=%appdata%" set "_ttemp=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp" setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ::======================================================================================================================================== echo "!_batf!" | find /i "!_ttemp!" %nul1% && ( if /i not "!_work!"=="!_ttemp!" ( %eline% echo Script is launched from the temp folder, echo Most likely you are running the script directly from the archive file. echo: echo Extract the archive file and launch the script from the extracted folder. goto done2 ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check PowerShell REM :PowerShellTest: $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :PowerShellTest: %psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':PowerShellTest:\s*';iex ($f[1])" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% || ( %eline% %psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode echo: echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting... echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes. echo: goto done2 ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Elevate script as admin and pass arguments and preventing loop %nul1% fltmc || ( if not defined _elev %psc% "start cmd.exe -arg '/c \"!_PSarg!\"' -verb runas" && exit /b %eline% echo This script requires admin privileges. echo To do so, right click on this script and select 'Run as administrator'. goto done2 ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Disable QuickEdit and launch from conhost.exe to avoid Terminal app set quedit= set terminal= if %_unattended%==1 ( set quedit=1 set terminal=1 ) for %%# in (%_args%) do (if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" set quedit=1) if %winbuild% LSS 10586 ( reg query HKCU\Console /v QuickEdit %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && set quedit=1 ) if %winbuild% GEQ 17763 ( set "launchcmd=start conhost.exe %psc%" ) else ( set "launchcmd=%psc%" ) set "d1=$t=[AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1).DefineDynamicModule(2, $False).DefineType(0);" set "d2=$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('GetStdHandle', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @([Int32]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128);" set "d3=$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('SetConsoleMode', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [Boolean], @([IntPtr], [Int32]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128);" set "d4=$k=$t.CreateType(); $b=$k::SetConsoleMode($k::GetStdHandle(-10), 0x0080);" if defined quedit goto :skipQE %launchcmd% "%d1% %d2% %d3% %d4% & cmd.exe '/c' '!_PSarg! -qedit'" &exit /b :skipQE ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check for updates set -= set old= for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -4 -n 1') do ( if not [%%#]==[] (echo "%%#" | find "127.69" %nul1% && (echo "%%#" | find "127.69.%iasver%" %nul1% || set old=1)) ) if defined old ( echo ________________________________________________ %eline% echo You are running outdated version IAS %iasver% echo ________________________________________________ echo: if not %_unattended%==1 ( echo [1] Get Latest IAS echo [0] Continue Anyway echo: call :_color %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,0] :" choice /C:10 /N if !errorlevel!==2 rem if !errorlevel!==1 (start & start %mas%/idm-activation-script & exit /b) ) ) ::======================================================================================================================================== cls title IDM Activation Script %iasver% echo: echo Initializing... :: Check WMI %psc% "Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -Property CreationClassName" %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1% || ( %eline% %psc% "Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -Property CreationClassName" echo: echo WMI is not working. Aborting... echo: goto done2 ) :: Check user account SID set _sid= for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount](Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).UserName).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value" %nul6%') do (set _sid=%%a) reg query HKU\%_sid%\Software %nul% || ( for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "$explorerProc = Get-Process -Name explorer | Where-Object {$_.SessionId -eq (Get-Process -Id $pid).SessionId} | Select-Object -First 1; $sid = (gwmi -Query ('Select * From Win32_Process Where ProcessID=' + $explorerProc.Id)).GetOwnerSid().Sid; $sid" %nul6%') do (set _sid=%%a) ) reg query HKU\%_sid%\Software %nul% || ( %eline% echo: echo [%_sid%] echo User Account SID not found. Aborting... echo: goto done2 ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Check if the current user SID is syncing with the HKCU entries %nul% reg delete HKCU\IAS_TEST /f %nul% reg delete HKU\%_sid%\IAS_TEST /f set HKCUsync=$null %nul% reg add HKCU\IAS_TEST %nul% reg query HKU\%_sid%\IAS_TEST && ( set HKCUsync=1 ) %nul% reg delete HKCU\IAS_TEST /f %nul% reg delete HKU\%_sid%\IAS_TEST /f :: Below code also works for ARM64 Windows 10 (including x64 bit emulation) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set arch=%%b if /i not "%arch%"=="x86" set arch=x64 if "%arch%"=="x86" ( set "CLSID=HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID" set "CLSID2=HKU\%_sid%\Software\Classes\CLSID" set "HKLM=HKLM\Software\Internet Download Manager" ) else ( set "CLSID=HKCU\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID" set "CLSID2=HKU\%_sid%\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID" set "HKLM=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Internet Download Manager" ) for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKU\%_sid%\Software\DownloadManager" /v ExePath %nul6%') do call set "IDMan=%%b" if not exist "%IDMan%" ( if %arch%==x64 set "IDMan=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Download Manager\IDMan.exe" if %arch%==x86 set "IDMan=%ProgramFiles%\Internet Download Manager\IDMan.exe" ) if not exist %SystemRoot%\Temp md %SystemRoot%\Temp set "idmcheck=tasklist /fi "imagename eq idman.exe" | findstr /i "idman.exe" %nul1%" :: Check CLSID registry access %nul% reg add %CLSID2%\IAS_TEST %nul% reg query %CLSID2%\IAS_TEST || ( %eline% echo Failed to write in %CLSID2% echo: goto done2 ) %nul% reg delete %CLSID2%\IAS_TEST /f ::======================================================================================================================================== if %_reset%==1 goto :_reset if %_activate%==1 (set frz=0&goto :_activate) if %_freeze%==1 (set frz=1&goto :_activate) :MainMenu cls title IDM Activation Script %iasver% if not defined terminal mode 75, 28 echo: echo: echo: echo: echo: echo: echo: ___________________________________________________ echo: echo: [1] Activate echo: [2] Freeze Trial echo: [3] Reset Activation / Trial echo: _____________________________________________ echo: echo: [4] Download IDM echo: [5] Help echo: [0] Exit echo: ___________________________________________________ echo: call :_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,2,3,4,5,0]" choice /C:123450 /N set _erl=%errorlevel% if %_erl%==6 exit /b if %_erl%==5 start & start & goto MainMenu if %_erl%==4 start & goto MainMenu if %_erl%==3 goto _reset if %_erl%==2 (set frz=1&goto :_activate) if %_erl%==1 (set frz=0&goto :_activate) goto :MainMenu ::======================================================================================================================================== :_reset cls if not %HKCUsync%==1 ( if not defined terminal mode 153, 35 ) else ( if not defined terminal mode 113, 35 ) if not defined terminal %psc% "&%_buf%" %nul% echo: %idmcheck% && taskkill /f /im idman.exe set _time= for /f %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMdd-HHmmssfff')"') do set _time=%%a echo: echo Creating backup of CLSID registry keys in %SystemRoot%\Temp reg export %CLSID% "%SystemRoot%\Temp\_Backup_HKCU_CLSID_%_time%.reg" if not %HKCUsync%==1 reg export %CLSID2% "%SystemRoot%\Temp\_Backup_HKU-%_sid%_CLSID_%_time%.reg" call :delete_queue %psc% "$sid = '%_sid%'; $HKCUsync = %HKCUsync%; $lockKey = $null; $deleteKey = 1; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':regscan\:.*';iex ($f[1])" call :add_key echo: echo %line% echo: call :_color %Green% "The IDM reset process has been completed." goto done :delete_queue echo: echo Deleting IDM registry keys... echo: for %%# in ( ""HKCU\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "FName"" ""HKCU\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "LName"" ""HKCU\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "Email"" ""HKCU\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "Serial"" ""HKCU\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "scansk"" ""HKCU\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "tvfrdt"" ""HKCU\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "radxcnt"" ""HKCU\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "LstCheck"" ""HKCU\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "ptrk_scdt"" ""HKCU\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "LastCheckQU"" "%HKLM%" ) do for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%A in ("%%~#") do ( set "reg="%%~A"" ® query !reg! %nul% && call :del ) if not %HKCUsync%==1 for %%# in ( ""HKU\%_sid%\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "FName"" ""HKU\%_sid%\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "LName"" ""HKU\%_sid%\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "Email"" ""HKU\%_sid%\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "Serial"" ""HKU\%_sid%\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "scansk"" ""HKU\%_sid%\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "tvfrdt"" ""HKU\%_sid%\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "radxcnt"" ""HKU\%_sid%\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "LstCheck"" ""HKU\%_sid%\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "ptrk_scdt"" ""HKU\%_sid%\Software\DownloadManager" "/v" "LastCheckQU"" ) do for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%A in ("%%~#") do ( set "reg="%%~A"" ® query !reg! %nul% && call :del ) exit /b :del reg delete %reg% /f %nul% if "%errorlevel%"=="0" ( set "reg=%reg:"=%" echo Deleted - !reg! ) else ( set "reg=%reg:"=%" call :_color2 %Red% "Failed - !reg!" ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :_activate cls if not %HKCUsync%==1 ( if not defined terminal mode 153, 35 ) else ( if not defined terminal mode 113, 35 ) if not defined terminal %psc% "&%_buf%" %nul% if %frz%==0 if %_unattended%==0 ( echo: echo %line% echo: echo Activation is not working for some users and IDM may show fake serial nag screen. echo: call :_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Its recommended to use Freeze Trial option instead." echo %line% echo: choice /C:19 /N /M "> [1] Go Back [9] Activate : " if !errorlevel!==1 goto :MainMenu cls ) echo: if not exist "%IDMan%" ( call :_color %Red% "IDM [Internet Download Manager] is not Installed." echo You can download it from goto done ) :: Internet check with ping and port 80 test set _int= for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -n 1') do (if not [%%#]==[] set _int=1) if not defined _int ( %psc% "$t = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient;try{$t.Connect("""""", 80)}catch{};$t.Connected" | findstr /i "true" %nul1% || ( call :_color %Red% "Unable to connect, aborting..." goto done ) call :_color %Gray% "Ping command failed for" echo: ) for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ProductName 2^>nul') do set "regwinos=%%b" for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set "regarch=%%b" for /f "tokens=6-7 delims=[]. " %%i in ('ver') do if "%%j"=="" (set fullbuild=%%i) else (set fullbuild=%%i.%%j) for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKU\%_sid%\Software\DownloadManager" /v idmvers %nul6%') do set "IDMver=%%b" echo Checking Info - [%regwinos% ^| %fullbuild% ^| %regarch% ^| IDM: %IDMver%] %idmcheck% && (echo: & taskkill /f /im idman.exe) set _time= for /f %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMdd-HHmmssfff')"') do set _time=%%a echo: echo Creating backup of CLSID registry keys in %SystemRoot%\Temp reg export %CLSID% "%SystemRoot%\Temp\_Backup_HKCU_CLSID_%_time%.reg" if not %HKCUsync%==1 reg export %CLSID2% "%SystemRoot%\Temp\_Backup_HKU-%_sid%_CLSID_%_time%.reg" call :delete_queue call :add_key %psc% "$sid = '%_sid%'; $HKCUsync = %HKCUsync%; $lockKey = 1; $deleteKey = $null; $toggle = 1; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':regscan\:.*';iex ($f[1])" if %frz%==0 call :register_IDM call :download_files if not defined _fileexist ( %eline% echo Error: Unable to download files with IDM. echo: goto :done ) %psc% "$sid = '%_sid%'; $HKCUsync = %HKCUsync%; $lockKey = 1; $deleteKey = $null; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':regscan\:.*';iex ($f[1])" echo: echo %line% echo: if %frz%==0 ( call :_color %Green% "The IDM Activation process has been completed." echo: call :_color %Gray% "If the fake serial screen appears, use the Freeze Trial option instead." ) else ( call :_color %Green% "The IDM 30 days trial period is successfully freezed for Lifetime." echo: call :_color %Gray% "If IDM is showing a popup to register, reinstall IDM." ) ::======================================================================================================================================== :done echo %line% echo: echo: if %_unattended%==1 timeout /t 2 & exit /b if defined terminal ( call :_color %_Yellow% "Press 0 key to return..." choice /c 0 /n ) else ( call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to return..." pause %nul1% ) goto MainMenu :done2 if %_unattended%==1 timeout /t 2 & exit /b if defined terminal ( echo Press 0 key to exit... choice /c 0 /n ) else ( echo Press any key to exit... pause %nul1% ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :_rcont reg add %reg% %nul% call :add exit /b :register_IDM echo: echo Applying registration details... echo: set /a fname = %random% %% 9999 + 1000 set /a lname = %random% %% 9999 + 1000 set for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "$key = -join ((Get-Random -Count 20 -InputObject ([char[]]('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'))));$key = ($key.Substring(0, 5) + '-' + $key.Substring(5, 5) + '-' + $key.Substring(10, 5) + '-' + $key.Substring(15, 5) + $key.Substring(20));Write-Output $key" %nul6%') do (set key=%%a) set "reg=HKCU\SOFTWARE\DownloadManager /v FName /t REG_SZ /d "%fname%"" & call :_rcont set "reg=HKCU\SOFTWARE\DownloadManager /v LName /t REG_SZ /d "%lname%"" & call :_rcont set "reg=HKCU\SOFTWARE\DownloadManager /v Email /t REG_SZ /d "%email%"" & call :_rcont set "reg=HKCU\SOFTWARE\DownloadManager /v Serial /t REG_SZ /d "%key%"" & call :_rcont if not %HKCUsync%==1 ( set "reg=HKU\%_sid%\SOFTWARE\DownloadManager /v FName /t REG_SZ /d "%fname%"" & call :_rcont set "reg=HKU\%_sid%\SOFTWARE\DownloadManager /v LName /t REG_SZ /d "%lname%"" & call :_rcont set "reg=HKU\%_sid%\SOFTWARE\DownloadManager /v Email /t REG_SZ /d "%email%"" & call :_rcont set "reg=HKU\%_sid%\SOFTWARE\DownloadManager /v Serial /t REG_SZ /d "%key%"" & call :_rcont ) exit /b :download_files echo: echo Triggering a few downloads to create certain registry keys, please wait... echo: set "file=%SystemRoot%\Temp\temp.png" set _fileexist= set link= call :download set link= call :download set link= call :download echo: timeout /t 3 %nul1% %idmcheck% && taskkill /f /im idman.exe if exist "%file%" del /f /q "%file%" exit /b :download set /a attempt=0 if exist "%file%" del /f /q "%file%" start "" /B "%IDMan%" /n /d "%link%" /p "%SystemRoot%\Temp" /f temp.png :check_file timeout /t 1 %nul1% set /a attempt+=1 if exist "%file%" set _fileexist=1&exit /b if %attempt% GEQ 20 exit /b goto :Check_file ::======================================================================================================================================== :add_key echo: echo Adding registry key... echo: set "reg="%HKLM%" /v "AdvIntDriverEnabled2"" reg add %reg% /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f %nul% :add if "%errorlevel%"=="0" ( set "reg=%reg:"=%" echo Added - !reg! ) else ( set "reg=%reg:"=%" call :_color2 %Red% "Failed - !reg!" ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :regscan: $finalValues = @() $arch = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment').PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE if ($arch -eq "x86") { $regPaths = @("HKCU:\Software\Classes\CLSID", "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$sid\Software\Classes\CLSID") } else { $regPaths = @("HKCU:\Software\Classes\WOW6432Node\CLSID", "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$sid\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID") } foreach ($regPath in $regPaths) { if (($regPath -match "HKEY_USERS") -and ($HKCUsync -ne $null)) { continue } Write-Host Write-Host "Searching IDM CLSID Registry Keys in $regPath" Write-Host $subKeys = Get-ChildItem -Path $regPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable lockedKeys | Where-Object { $_.PSChildName -match '^\{[A-F0-9]{8}-[A-F0-9]{4}-[A-F0-9]{4}-[A-F0-9]{4}-[A-F0-9]{12}\}$' } foreach ($lockedKey in $lockedKeys) { $leafValue = Split-Path -Path $lockedKey.TargetObject -Leaf $finalValues += $leafValue Write-Output "$leafValue - Found Locked Key" } if ($subKeys -eq $null) { continue } $subKeysToExclude = "LocalServer32", "InProcServer32", "InProcHandler32" $filteredKeys = $subKeys | Where-Object { !($_.GetSubKeyNames() | Where-Object { $subKeysToExclude -contains $_ }) } foreach ($key in $filteredKeys) { $fullPath = $key.PSPath $keyValues = Get-ItemProperty -Path $fullPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $defaultValue = $keyValues.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq '(default)' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value if (($defaultValue -match "^\d+$") -and ($key.SubKeyCount -eq 0)) { $finalValues += $($key.PSChildName) Write-Output "$($key.PSChildName) - Found Digit In Default and No Subkeys" continue } if (($defaultValue -match "\+|=") -and ($key.SubKeyCount -eq 0)) { $finalValues += $($key.PSChildName) Write-Output "$($key.PSChildName) - Found + or = In Default and No Subkeys" continue } $versionValue = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$fullPath\Version" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty '(default)' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (($versionValue -match "^\d+$") -and ($key.SubKeyCount -eq 1)) { $finalValues += $($key.PSChildName) Write-Output "$($key.PSChildName) - Found Digit In \Version and No Other Subkeys" continue } $keyValues.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Name -match "MData|Model|scansk|Therad") { $finalValues += $($key.PSChildName) Write-Output "$($key.PSChildName) - Found MData Model scansk Therad" continue } } if (($key.ValueCount -eq 0) -and ($key.SubKeyCount -eq 0)) { $finalValues += $($key.PSChildName) Write-Output "$($key.PSChildName) - Found Empty Key" continue } } } $finalValues = @($finalValues | Select-Object -Unique) if ($finalValues -ne $null) { Write-Host if ($lockKey -ne $null) { Write-Host "Locking IDM CLSID Registry Keys..." } if ($deleteKey -ne $null) { Write-Host "Deleting IDM CLSID Registry Keys..." } Write-Host } else { Write-Host "IDM CLSID Registry Keys are not found." Exit } if (($finalValues.Count -gt 20) -and ($toggle -ne $null)) { $lockKey = $null $deleteKey = 1 Write-Host "The IDM keys count is more than 20. Deleting them now instead of locking..." Write-Host } function Take-Permissions { param($rootKey, $regKey) $AssemblyBuilder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1) $ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(2, $False) $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType(0) $TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('RtlAdjustPrivilege', 'ntdll.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [int], @([int], [bool], [bool], [bool].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3) | Out-Null 9,17,18 | ForEach-Object { $TypeBuilder.CreateType()::RtlAdjustPrivilege($_, $true, $false, [ref]$false) | Out-Null } $SID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier('S-1-5-32-544') $IDN = ($SID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])).Value $Admin = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($IDN) $everyone = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier('S-1-1-0') $none = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier('S-1-0-0') $key = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::$rootKey.OpenSubKey($regkey, 'ReadWriteSubTree', 'TakeOwnership') $acl = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity $acl.SetOwner($Admin) $key.SetAccessControl($acl) $key = $key.OpenSubKey('', 'ReadWriteSubTree', 'ChangePermissions') $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule($everyone, 'FullControl', 'ContainerInherit', 'None', 'Allow') $acl.ResetAccessRule($rule) $key.SetAccessControl($acl) if ($lockKey -ne $null) { $acl = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity $acl.SetOwner($none) $key.SetAccessControl($acl) $key = $key.OpenSubKey('', 'ReadWriteSubTree', 'ChangePermissions') $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule($everyone, 'FullControl', 'Deny') $acl.ResetAccessRule($rule) $key.SetAccessControl($acl) } } foreach ($regPath in $regPaths) { if (($regPath -match "HKEY_USERS") -and ($HKCUsync -ne $null)) { continue } foreach ($finalValue in $finalValues) { $fullPath = Join-Path -Path $regPath -ChildPath $finalValue if ($fullPath -match 'HKCU:') { $rootKey = 'CurrentUser' } else { $rootKey = 'Users' } $position = $fullPath.IndexOf("\") $regKey = $fullPath.Substring($position + 1) if ($lockKey -ne $null) { if (-not (Test-Path -Path $fullPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { New-Item -Path $fullPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } Take-Permissions $rootKey $regKey try { Remove-Item -Path $fullPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host -back 'DarkRed' -fore 'white' "Failed - $fullPath" } catch { Write-Host "Locked - $fullPath" } } if ($deleteKey -ne $null) { if (Test-Path -Path $fullPath) { Remove-Item -Path $fullPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (Test-Path -Path $fullPath) { Take-Permissions $rootKey $regKey try { Remove-Item -Path $fullPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Deleted - $fullPath" } catch { Write-Host -back 'DarkRed' -fore 'white' "Failed - $fullPath" } } else { Write-Host "Deleted - $fullPath" } } } } } :regscan: ::======================================================================================================================================== :_color if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( echo %esc%[%~1%~2%esc%[0m ) else ( %psc% write-host -back '%1' -fore '%2' '%3' ) exit /b :_color2 if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( echo %esc%[%~1%~2%esc%[%~3%~4%esc%[0m ) else ( %psc% write-host -back '%1' -fore '%2' '%3' -NoNewline; write-host -back '%4' -fore '%5' '%6' ) exit /b ::======================================================================================================================================== :: Leave empty line below
Express Vpn account
Ai đi ngang qua cho mình xin 1 like với . Thanks$ | Plan = 1 Month | ExpireDate = 2024-08-09 | DaysLeft = 10 | AutoRenew = true | Method = CREDIT_CARD | AUTHOR = @nomadicaddict$ | Plan = 1 Month | ExpireDate = 2024-08-03 | DaysLeft = 4 | AutoRenew = true | Method = CREDIT_CARD | AUTHOR = @nomadicaddict | Plan = 1 Month | ExpireDate = 2024-08-10 | DaysLeft = 10 | AutoRenew = true | Method = CREDIT_CARD | AUTHOR = @nomadicaddict! | Plan = 1 Month | ExpireDate = 2024-08-04 | DaysLeft = 4 | AutoRenew = true | Method = PAYPAL | AUTHOR = @nomadicaddict
Bạn thử đăng kí VPN của Kaspersky (HK) hạn dùng 6 tháng không giới hạn, rất tốt. Xem bài này:không có cái nào dùng đuợc vậy bác toàn báo đăng nhập code vào, có key không share mình với bạn
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