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Đây là cách mình tìm được : " FoxitUpdater.exe will automatically check for update when the Foxit Reader main program process or the browser plugin process is being launched.
Normally we would encourage the user to disable the update via GPO. In your case, after you've rename the FoxitUpdater.exe,
you may browse to the installation folder of Foxit Reader ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\plugins") then rename
the "Updater.fpi" as well. Please let us know if it helps. Thank you. "
Bạn vào theo đường dẫn : C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\plugins rồi đổi tên Updater.fpi thành Updater2.fpi là xong.