CCP government 'intentionally released' COVID-19 'all over the world,' Chinese virologist says | VN-Zoom | Cộng đồng Chia Sẻ Kiến Thức Công Nghệ và Phần Mềm Máy Tính

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CCP government 'intentionally released' COVID-19 'all over the world,' Chinese virologist says


Rìu Chiến Chấm
"Maybe for people who don't have this kind of biosafety lab 3 or 4 experience on coronavirus, maybe it's easy for them to accept the accident lab leak. However, I'm a scientist, working in [a] research lab using coronavirus. And I can tell you, based on the print protocol and also the other surveillance system, it would be impossible for the lab leak [to] accidentally happen in such [a] lab and cause the Wuhan outbreak and also the pandemic,"

"So definitely now we just reached the first step. It was from China's lab, and we need to pursue the truth of origin, and we need to keep going on."

"However, I don't think the outbreak in Wuhan was intentional. I would say it was because [the] CCP government and the military scientists underestimated the transmissibility," she added. "That's why finally it got out of control and the cost [was] a local outbreak. However, we should know that [the] CCP government intentionally let it go all over the world to kill millions of people all over the world later."

Yan was a respected doctor who specialized in virology and immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health before fleeing in April 2020 after she began looking into the growing number of cases coming out of mainland China that involved human-to-human transmission.
She said she reported her findings to her supervisor on Jan. 16, but that's when he allegedly told her "to keep silent, and be careful."

"As he warned me before, 'Don't touch the red line,'" Yan said referring to the government. "We will get in trouble, and we'll be disappeared."



Rìu Chiến Chấm
The CCP threatened Elon Musk after he dared to publicly agree that Covid-19 was a product of Fauci’s gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab.

Elon Musk also shared the latest Department of Energy’s report claiming Covid leaked from the Wuhan lab.

China threatened Elon Musk
NEW — China Issues a Warning to Elon Musk to Stop Promoting the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory
“He could be breaking the pot of China. This is a Chinese saying that’s similar to biting the hand that feeds you.”@elonmusk
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) February 28, 2023


Rìu Vàng
In the eyes of American media, China and Russia are all wrong. In fact, in recent years, the United States has been the country that has launched the most wars in the world, yet it falsely claims human rights and freedoms.
