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Thảo luận Tổng hợp key Windows và Office


Chỉ cần nhấn like khi muốn cảm ơn!
Thành viên BQT
Office19_ProPlus2019MSDNR_Retail - Time: 10/8/2022 Key Blocked!!!
Thành viên không đủ điều kiện xem key thì nhờ các Helpers hỗ trợ qua Teamview, Ultraview..v..v.
Thành viên chuyên rò rỉ key bị chặn view!

cscript slmgr.vbs /upk 5F472F1E-EB0A-4170-98E2-FB9E7F6FF535
cscript slmgr.vbs /upk 52C4D79F-6E1A-45B7-B479-36B666E0A2F8
cscript slmgr.vbs /upk E18C439E-424A-4E83-8F1B-5F9DD021B38D
cscript slmgr.vbs /upk CBCAF071-B911-40A1-A6C1-7BECCA481910
cscript slmgr.vbs /upk 85DD8B5F-EAA4-4AF3-A628-CCE9E77C9A03
for %a in (4,5,6) do if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office1%a\ospp.vbs" (cd /d "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office1%a") else (cd /d "%ProgramFiles% (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office1%a")&&cls&&echo off
cscript ospp.vbs /inpkey:%key%
for /f "tokens=8" %b in ('cscript ospp.vbs /dinstid ^| findstr /b /c:"Installation ID for: Office 19, Office19ProPlus2019MSDNR_Retail edition:"') do set IID=%b
for /f "tokens=*" %b in ('curl "" --ssl-no-revoke') do cls
cd C:\Windows\System32
cscript slmgr.vbs /ato 5F472F1E-EB0A-4170-98E2-FB9E7F6FF535
echo on
Sửa lần cuối:


VN Zoom
Thành viên BQT
Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2021 Retail phone 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)

Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard Retail phone 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)

Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution Retail: Online Key 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)

Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter Retail: Online Key 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)

Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard Retail: Online Key 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)

Windows Server 2016 RTM ServerDatacenter Retail: Online Key 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)
Sửa lần cuối:


🔫 Súng Lục Nhựa
Office21_VisioPro2021R_Retail Online Key/GetWeb
Error Code: 0xC004C060
Time: 15:08:31 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)

Office21_ProjectPro2021R_Retail Online Key/GetWeb
Error Code: 0xC004C060
Time: 15:08:31 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)

Office19_RTM19_ProjectPro2019R_Retail Online Key/GetWeb
Error Code: 0xC004C060
Time: 15:08:31 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)

Win 10 RTM Education Retail Online Key/GetWeb
Error Code: 0xC004C060
Time: 15:08:31 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)

Sửa lần cuối:


VN Zoom
Thành viên BQT
Windows Server 2016 RTM ServerDatacenter Retail Online Key 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)

Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter Retail: Online Key 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)

Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2021 Retail phone 08/10/2022 (GMT+7)


VN Zoom
Thành viên BQT