NVIDIA-powered system named world’s most efficient supercomputer | VN-Zoom | Cộng đồng Chia Sẻ Kiến Thức Công Nghệ và Phần Mềm Máy Tính

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NVIDIA-powered system named world’s most efficient supercomputer


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The Green500 results are out, revealing that the world’s most efficient supercomputer is accelerated by NVIDIA.

With the end of Moore’s law, traditional approaches to meet the insatiable demand for increased computing performance will require disproportionate increases in costs and power.

At the same time, the need to slow the effects of climate change will require more efficient data centres, which already consume more than 200 terawatt-hours of energy each year, or around 2% of the world’s energy usage.

Released today, the new Green500 list of the world’s most-efficient supercomputers demonstrates the energy efficiency of accelerated computing, which is already used in all of the top 30 systems on the list. Its impact on energy efficiency is staggering.
