Dive Into AI, Avatars and the Metaverse With NVIDIA at SIGGRAPH | VN-Zoom | Cộng đồng Chia Sẻ Kiến Thức Công Nghệ và Phần Mềm Máy Tính

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Dive Into AI, Avatars and the Metaverse With NVIDIA at SIGGRAPH


Thành viên BQT

Inez Lim​

09:25 (3 giờ trước)
tới Inez
Dịch thư
Tắt đối với: Tiếng Anh
Dear media friend

Innovative technologies in AI, virtual worlds and digital humans are shaping the future of design and content creation across every industry. Experience the latest advances from NVIDIA in all these areas at SIGGRAPH, the world’s largest gathering of computer graphics experts, running August 8 – 11.

At the conference, creators, developers, engineers, researchers and students will see all the new tech and research that enables them to elevate immersive storytelling, build realistic avatars and create stunning 3D virtual worlds.

NVIDIA’s special address on Tuesday, August 9, at 9 am PT will feature founder and CEO Jensen Huang, along with other senior leaders. Join to get an exclusive look at some of our most exciting work, from award-winning research to new AI-powered tools and solutions.

Discover the emergence of the metaverse, and see how users can build 3D content and connect photorealistic virtual worlds with NVIDIA Omniverse, a computing platform for 3D design collaboration and true-to-reality world simulation. See the advanced solutions that are powering these 3D worlds, and how they expand the realm of artistic expression and creativity.

NVIDIA is also presenting over 20 in-person sessions at SIGGRAPH, including hands-on labs and research presentations. SIGGRAPH registration is required to attend the in-person events. Sessions will also be available the following day to watch on demand from our site.

And tune into the global premiere of The Art of Collaboration: NVIDIA, Omniverse and GTC on Wednesday, August 10, at 10 am PT. The documentary shares the story of the engineers, artists and researchers who pushed the limits of NVIDIA GPUs, AI and Omniverse to deliver the stunning GTC keynote last spring.

read more https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2022/08/04/ai-avatars-metaverse-siggraph/
